Mary makes…

Video image of two woman superimposed on each other as if it were one woman with four arms.

Virtual Performances

Through video, sound, and networking technology, I work with actors, dancers, and the public to explore and expand the concept of liveness.

Speculative Artifacts

Speculative fiction deals in the creation of what-if scenarios. Using electronics and small-scale fabrication techniques, I create speculative artifacts –– physical objects that attempt to make manifest those what-ifs. Silliness often ensues.

Sensorial Web Apps

People have bodies and I think web creations should reflect that. I create websites that react to audio and visual cues from their users and encourage interaction through voice and movement.

Aesthetic Data

How can the massive issues of our era (gun violence, climate change, racial inequity) be effectively communicated in a way that doesn’t elicit despair? Can art lead to action? These are questions I attempt to answer through data visualization, sonification, and experiments with fraught data.

Let’s make something together.